We are nearing that time of year! The long awaited winter break is near! But, we all know right before the break is the most stressful time during the year. The students in school have their big assignments and exams to write. The university students are spending way too much time studying for their papers and finals coming up. Many of the students living away from home don’t even have the time come home for the weekends. Continue reading
Monthly Archives: November 2014
Organized Gift-Giving
The holidays are upon us and with it being such a crazy time of year it’s important to be organized. Whether it is at home, work or school, being organized is the key to success! I find that keeping lists works best for me. As soon as I think of something I need to do I write it down, then, as the days and weeks go by I do my best to get everything crossed off as I complete my tasks! Everyone needs to find a method that works for them though. Continue reading
Winter Colours are Here!
Now that the weather is getting colder, it feels like it’s time for things to be a little more festive! My work has put up our Christmas decorations already. Everything is in winter colours, and everyone is getting excited for the holidays! They really are coming up quick. It’s time to put together your gift lists! Before you know it, the stores will be super crowded and nothing will be in stock… Shopping online is my choice, to be honest. I know my friends prefer to shop in stores, but it’s like getting a gift for yourself, even if it’s a gift for someone else. Continue reading
It’s all About Tea
Is it just me or has the buzz about tea exploded? Then again, tea must be the most relaxing and refreshing drink to sip at. It’s perfect for any day; hot on the chilly days and iced on the sunny ones. The number of brands and types is definitely extraordinary from the different quality brands to the enormous types and flavours of teas. It seems like different forms of teas are coming on the market every day!