Generally Knowledgeable on Everything General

I’m sure everyone has at least played some kind of board game in their life. Ever play the games that ask lots of odd questions that they expect you to know? Those general knowledge questions stump everyone. Well here are some interesting general knowledge questions you can add to your bucket of knowledge. The next board game night you’ll come out on top.

Familiar General Information

I’m sure you’ve heard that Tuesday is considered the most productive day of the week or that Bill Gate’s house was designed using a Macintosh computer. Well here are some more simple general knowledge facts that should refresh your brain. Did you know that the human stomach produces a new layer of mucus every two weeks to preventing it from digesting itself? The body works in mysterious ways. Or you’ve experimented with the fact that only hard boiled eggs will spin but a soft boiled or uncooked egg won’t. Or that chocolate will kill a dog.

Quirky Facts

Hopefully those few general pieces of information got your gears turning and ready to absorb some new facts that people do not know. If you ever plan to visit Lake Nicaragua you need to be careful because even though that body of water is filled with only fresh water. It is the only lake in the world have sharks living in the fresh water body. Or that elephants are one of the few animals that can’t jump like sloths and hippos. If you’re an avid jogger or a fitness nut you should be aware that your right lung takes in more air than the left. So you may feel half winded during your workouts, pun intended.

Time to be the Guru of Generality


A glowing scorpion under a black light.

Now it’s time to get into those “oh really” facts that will make you come out on top in your board game nights. For example, a mushroom in Oregon is known as the great mushroom for the fact that it is 2,400 years old (just an approximate it could be older). It dwells in the Malheur National Forest and you can find it by looking for the clusters of dead trees. The mushroom however grows underground so you may see small honey mushrooms growing up on the surface the the giant mushroom lives below ground. If that wasn’t interesting enough then you may want to move to Thailand because you can start a career as a professional kite flyer. In Thailand flying a kite is considered a professional sport. They have rules and regulations that they must follow, it is not about who can fly their kite the highest. Finally, the topper of general knowledge facts, that involves a black light and a scorpions. If you ever are walking in the dead of night and are in scorpion territory bring a small black light flashlight with you. If you shine it on the ground you will be able to see hidden scorpions. Their exoskeleton glows when the black light hits them so you can avoid them and get home safely.

Time to Expand your General Knowledge

With all these small random patches of quirky and interesting facts you are prepared for the next game night! Show off all the knowledge you have and lead your team or yourself to victory! And if you have the time now why not continue your exploration in general knowledge facts, I promise they are never boring and will spark more research.